Arabic SEO - Best 4 SEO

Arabic SEO

السيو الخارجي January 26, 2023

Arabic SEO

What is Arabic SEO?

If you are a company based in the Middle East and want to reach your target market through their native tongue, then you need to apply Arabic SEO.

Our SEO company, Best 4 SEO, specializes in Arabic SEO (سيو عربي) .

We help our customers who own websites or a company, be it a startup or a scale-up, to integrate the most efficient SEO practices to rank higher on Google in English, Arabic & Turkish.

We pride ourselves on being one of the best Arabic SEO companies.

What is Arabic SEO?” You are probably wondering.

It is simply applying on-site SEO practices for Arabic Websites.

It is slightly different from regular SEO practices, as it often requires unusual ones.

If you want to benefit from our services (خدمات سيو) to help you rank up your Arabic Website, by all means, do not hesitate to contact us.

By applying Arabic SEO, your Arabic website will be properly indexed in Google search engine versions in Arab countries.

Once your website is optimized for Arab countries and your target market in those countries, you will gradually rank up on Google in those designated countries.

This organic traffic will lead to conversions.

Arabic SEO Google Opportunities

Google in Arabic is one of the most undiscovered and unexplored markets.

This paves the way for higher opportunities to rank in Arabic, rather than English, where the market is very competitive and may be saturated too.

In fact, for every industry, you may not find over five leading websites competing for the first position on Google Arabic.

So why not join them? With our proven Arabic SEO services, you will emerge on top.

Understanding Middle Eastern Culture

It is just like any other aspect of marketing, studying your target market.

To better customize your product or service to your Arab customers and apply Arabic SEO techniques to reach them, you must make sure that you understand their culture and behavior, and preferences before you finalize your decisions.

Once you study the demographic and geographic area of your customers, you can develop a targeted marketing campaign that will give you a good Return on investment.

This is where our role emerges. You have done your research and finalized your product and niche, and we will translate your vision into a well-optimized website targeted at your customers and compatible with Google Arabic algorithms to rank you higher.

Arab Consumer Behaviour

Arab customers must be handled differently than other customers around the world.

They possess the following characteristics.

However, it should be noted that these characteristics cannot be generalized to each and every Arab customer, but it is simply aimed to give companies a general understanding of how Arab customers behave.

  • Brand Conscious: Due to many fake brands and low-quality products in the Middle East, Arabs have developed awareness to differentiate between quality and low-quality products and services.
  • Special Buying Behaviour: This means that Arabs take buying products very seriously; they prefer to get a recommendation from a friend that has tried a certain product or buy from a local store next to their house, someone they had known a long time ago.
  • Status is Important: Arabs do not care much if the product is practical for them; they need a product that reflects their status or even look like a higher-class individual.
  • Online Purchasing Is Not Very Popular: Most Arabs like to touch before they buy. They don’t trust online shops. You can help ease their doubts by providing videos showing the product and detailed images and an Arabic customer support agent. Make sure they have the Cash On Delivery option.
  • Fashion Trends: Whenever there is a new fashion trend, Arabs are likely to be the first ones to adopt it. So, you must keep up with the latest trends.
  • Religion: Arabs are mostly Muslims, and religious people, and you are expected to honor that and respect them.
  • Bargaining: They feel a sense of pride if they negotiate to get a better deal. Sometimes it is not to actually get a good deal, but to feel that sense of achievement, so try to give them a slight discount or a freebie.
  • Age: The majority of the Arab population is young (Under 30 years).
  • Arabic: You can go miles by speaking Arabic with them or employing Native Arab speakers.
Arab Consumer Behaviour
Arab Consumer Behaviour

Challenges of Doing Arabic SEO Services in the Middle East

As mentioned before, Arabic SEO (سيو بالعربي) techniques are a little different from those techniques used for other languages.

Any Arabic SEO Company will face the following challenges:

Unnatural Tactics

Most Arabic SEO Companies use Blackhat SEO techniques to help customers rank. Even though this might work for a while, Search Engines will eventually notice these unnatural practices and penalize your customer’s website by either downranking them or even getting them deindexed. Such black hat practices include purchasing links, automated links, keyword stuffing, and copying content from other websites.

Spammy Content

Many of the Arabic Websites out there have spammy content. The website pages are poorly written and designed. Due to that, Arab users are becoming more and more selective about what they read and what websites they access. Therefore, this tactic has become obsolete.

Tracking Issues

SEO Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and others sometimes show results different than what is happening on the ground. For this reason, we advise that you have someone in that specific country you are targeting to assess your site’s rank.

ِSearch Behaviour

When Arabs search online in their native tongue, it can be very confusing for companies to understand their intent. In the example above, the search is for the online casino Betfinal. It is written in Arabic as ”بيت فاينل”. It can even be written differently. It all depends on how each person thinks it will be written in Arabic.

Some companies use Google Translate to get the Arabic version of the keyword; while that may work sometimes, it often gives a completely irrelevant query.

Arabic URLs

Many online marketing tools cannot track Arabic URLs because of the foreign characters.

It will often appear like this:

However, Google Analytics can track them.

But, our advice, to be safe, is to use URLs in English.

Video SEO

Arabs are the top region that uses YouTube. With that said, you need to apply Arabic SEO for your videos. How do you do that? Simply, post your videos on YouTube, in Arabic; this way, when they search in Arabic, your video will be indexed on Google and appear on top.

Our Arabic SEO Process

Our Arabic SEO process is tailored specifically to your vision, mission, and target customers.

Arabic Keyword Research

We have several tools like Google Ads, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, and others that will help us find out the search traffic of Arabic Keywords and what your rank is for each one. Please understand that this is an ongoing process because there will always be new keywords.

Arabic Keyword Mapping

Each one of your pages will have specific keywords relevant to it. By placing the most searched Arabic keywords most suitable for each page, this page will rank. We also avoid stuffing keywords randomly, because Search Engines will punish your website over time.

SEO Audit

Once the keywords have been researched and assigned to the correct pages, it is time to audit the code of your website to see which areas need improvement.

Internal Links

Link building is one of the most important ranking factors, if not the most important one to search engines. Internal links within your website must be relevant, and the anchor texts must be keywords.


Backlinks mean getting your website mentioned on other sites. A good Arabic SEO agency will get you backlinks from websites with high domain ratings of at least 50 instead of cheap ones. Linking to low-domain sites might do you more harm than good. However, this could be costly, but backlinks are part of SEO.

Arabic SEO Content Creation

Your website’s Arabic content must be informative and engaging. We have our team of experienced native Arabic content writers (خبير سيو)
on our team that will write quality content for your website while researching and allocating the right keyword and establishing the correct link-building structure.

Country Specific Reporting

We have tools and tricks that will give you a detailed report on how your website is doing in each country and what needs to be improved to be more oriented towards that specific country you are targeting.

Hreflang tags

Google developed Hreflang tags to help differentiate between which page is targeted at which users and from which region or country.
They are important if you have different language versions of your pages. If you have English and Arabic, these Hreflangs best be used:

<link rel=”alternate” href=”” hreflang=”en” />
<link rel=”alternate” href=” ” hreflang=”ar” />

Optimizing Content

Content structure is the most important on-site SEO ranking factor.

We make sure to thoroughly abide by each one of them.

Let’s take a look at what SEO-friendly content structure consists of.

Content uniqueness: Content must be unique with minimal plagiarism. It should also be informative and engaging.
Content length: Content must be at least 1,500 words long.
Breadcrumbs: They are like a second menu that helps you know where you are navigating. They really make the website more user-friendly and give them clearer accessibility.

Table of contents: When a page has a table of contents, it helps the reader break it down and navigate through it.
Visuals: Videos and pictures are a must-have on your page. They make the content more lively and more engaging as well as more informative. Just make sure you do not randomly stuff those pictures or videos.
Heading hierarchy: The page must be well structured, meaning it must have headers. The page title is called H1. Other Headers are H2 and could go on till H6. The important thing to know is that each sub-header emphasizes the main header.

Keyword density: Your Keyword must consist of 2.5% of your page content. No more, no less. If your keywords do not appear much in the content, they will not be considered important. On the other hand, if they recur too much, it would look spammy.
Outbound Link Quality: You must link to external sources on each page. However, these pages must have a good domain rating. If you link to an untrustworthy website, then yours will lose its credibility.
Bullets and Numbered Lists: Lists also make the content more reader-friendly. When the reader finds your content clear and easy to navigate, so will search engines.

More SEO Factors To Look Out For

Site Performance

Site performance is an important aspect of Arabic SEO. As an Arabic SEO company, we pay close attention to your website’s performance. In other words, your website must load fast, so users do not get bored.

We do that by making sure the images are not significant and that the page is not overwhelmed with features.

As you can see in the image, we can assess the site’s performance.

Optimizing the mobile page speed is 90 times more important than optimizing the desktop website. As we mentioned, over 90% of users are mobile users.

Arabic SEO Title

Your target keyword must be in the Arabic SEO title. This informs both Google and the person doing the search that your page is about what they were looking for.

Also, searchers are much more likely to click on a web page if the title contains the exact keyword or phrase they just typed.

Meta Description

A meta description is a snippet that appears right under your SEO title in the search results page (as seen below).

It should include your focus keyword and must be short and engaging and not misleading, but engaging.

Broken Links

You have heard about the ”Error 404”. It means that the page you clicked could be found. This is what we call a broken link. This can seriously affect your site’s SEO health. Luckily, some tools are available to identify broken links.

Image optimization

Each page must have images. However, for these images to be SEO-compatible. They must:

Be unique and not stolen; you can use stock image sites for that or design your own.

An image must have an alt text, a description, and a caption to describe it and help search engines better understand what it is and its purpose.

The size of an image must not exceed 100 Kb, otherwise, your website will lag, and it will lower performance results.

Site Structure

Just like the header hierarchy, the website’s structure must be chronological and make sense.

If your website is about food recipes. Then you should have separate pages for healthy food, vegan, desserts…etc. Each page must have subpages that elaborate on the main page.

Domain Rank

It is a search engine ranking score that determines how likely a website is to rank on search engine result pages

As your website grows and ages and more SEO practices (السيو) you apply. Your domain rank will increase. The higher your domain rank, the more trustworthy your website is.

Mobile Arabic SEO

Statistics reveal that over 90% of traffic that comes to Arabic websites is from mobile devices.

This applies to the whole world too. Everybody nowadays prefers to browse through their smartphones or tablets.

The days were people fired up their desktop computers or laptop have gone. Such devices are mostly used for work, not leisure.

Most content writers make the mistake of optimizing the website for desktop users, who are barely 10% of their audience.

It should be mobile-friendly. how? Well, the website needs to be fast and doesn’t lag, so don’t add too many features and large images. It is also important that the mobile version is easy to use and navigate.

It is also important that the person who manages the CSS styling and Arabic content translation is a native Arabic speaker.


Because you are targeting Arab regions and using Arabic SEO, there are certain things concerning links that must not go without mentioning.

Very few Arabic websites link to other websites these days. They simply do not trust them due to lack of copyright enforcement laws in the region.

An Arabic SEO company must not forget that getting backlinks from decent English websites will also have a positive impact on the Arabic pages as well.

With that said, here are some factors you should take into consideration:

  • Hosting: Good hosting in the Middle Eastern region is quite rare this is why most websites prefer to host their websites in Europe.
  • Arabic URLs: Even though Arabic URLs are not highly advised, if you do use them, bear in mind that they might cause some problems with content management systems, and not all tools can track them. Also, make sure to keep them short.
  • ccTLDs: If you want to target a specific country, UAE, for example, it is a good idea to buy a domain that has .ae. This will help you reach more customers in that country.

The Importance of Google Featured Snippets

You will probably notice, just like in the image below, that sometimes Google features a segment of your website and puts it on the top of the search results page.

In order to achieve that, you must have rich snippets lists or short definitions that exactly answer or reflect the search query.

In the example below, We searched for Football Games Today, and Google automatically featured a website that lists the football games today.

This is because this feature answers the exact query.

Advantages of Arabic SEO

Arabic SEO has advantages that you will not find in English SEO.

Let’s take a look at what they are:

  • Lower Competition: In many industries, even nowadays, there is not much competition among websites in Arabic. This gives new entrants a big chance to compete, especially if they use the right SEO tactics.
  • Machine Translation: Many Arabic SEO agencies do not have native Arabic speakers and often use machine translation to have an Arabic version f their website, without properly optimizing it. This also narrows down the competition if you have native speakers.
  • Conversions: If you want to generate leads through Arabic SEO, it is not difficult as keywords are easy to find and can get you good conversion rates with little investment.
  • Ecommerce: Creating an Ecommerce page for your company is easy as Ecommerce Arabic Keywords are relatively easy to find and with little competition. The hard part relies on logistics. Online Marketing is the easy part.
  • Short-term Focus: An Arabic SEO Agency that practices black hat tactics is untrustworthy. While such tactics will give you short-term success, in the long run, search engines will punish you by lowering your rank or deindexing you.
  • PPC Ads: Many Arabs believe that the advertisement they see on websites is a scam. This is why organic traffic is more effective on Arabic Websites.

Arabic Regions To Venture

Below are the three main Arabic regions you must invest in through Arabic SEO.

Among those three, Gulf countries should definitely be your top priority as they have the most spending power, due to their wealth.


The Gulf countries are the richest Arab countries due to their oil production. This is the best region to focus on as these customers will generate leads.

The Countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.


The Levant region has suffered a lot from wars and political corruption, and economic collapse in the past years and even to the present day. However, this paves the way for many business investments.

The Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria

North Africa

This region, even though the poorest, is, however, the most populated. Therefore, if your products are affordable, this region is a great opportunity for potential customers.

The Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia

Arabic SEO FAQs

What is Arabic SEO?

Arabic SEO consists of SEO practices to help websites in Arabic or targeted at Arabic countries to rank higher on search engine results.

What is the difference between Arabic SEO and English SEO?

The most significant difference between Arabic SEO and English SEO is that Arabic is much less competitive, and easier to get a good position in SERPs.

Why are Arabic SEO techniques considered important?

Arabic SEO techniques are very important because they differ from the traditional techniques used in English-language websites. Arabic keywords are different from Arabic content optimization. Additionally, applying Arabic SEO to an Arabic language website is likely to generate more leads and increase conversion rates due to less fierce competition.

Can you rely on SEO marketing tools in Arabic?

Yes, there are many tools available for SEO marketing in Arabic. You can use keyword research tools, site analysis tools, and monitoring and reporting tools to help improve your website’s ranking in the Arabic language.

Does SEO marketing in Arabic differ from SEO in other languages?

Yes, SEO marketing in Arabic differs from SEO in other languages due to the differences in language, culture, and Arabic browsing preferences. Cultural differences and search preferences of the Arabic audience should be taken into consideration while optimizing a website in the Arabic language.

What are some important features to consider for effective SEO marketing in Arabic on a website?

Some of the important features of SEO marketing in Arabic that should be present on the website include:
Using appropriate Arabic keywords in the content and headings.
Optimizing the site’s structure and organizing it effectively.
Improving page loading speed and making it mobile-friendly.
Paying attention to visual elements such as images and videos and optimizing them.
Creating high-quality internal and external links.
Providing valuable and high-quality content for visitors.

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Tags: Arabic SEO arabic seo services SEO seo in arabic

amani itani


amani itani

Implementing SEO for Arabic websites requires considerations such as adapting to the right-to-left language format, understanding dialect and vocabulary variations, conducting localized keyword research, respecting cultural sensitivities, optimizing content formatting, building local backlinks and citations, leveraging Arabic social media platforms, and utilizing country-specific search engines and directories. Ensure your website is culturally and linguistically optimized to resonate with the target Arabic-speaking audience.

amani itani

Yes, there are cultural and linguistic factors to consider when conducting Arabic SEO. Here are a few key points to keep in mind: Language Variation: Arabic language has different dialects and variations across regions. Depending on your target audience, you may need to consider adapting your content to a specific dialect or using Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) that is widely understood across Arab countries. Keyword Localization: Conduct keyword research specifically for the Arabic-speaking audience. Consider the vocabulary, search terms, and phrases commonly used by your target audience in their local dialects or MSA. Collaborate with native Arabic speakers or local experts to ensure accuracy. Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and norms when creating content. Different Arab countries may have distinct cultural practices, religious considerations, and sensitivities. Research and understand the cultural context of your target audience to avoid any inadvertent cultural missteps or misunderstandings. Content Formatting: Arabic is a right-to-left (RTL) language, which affects the formatting of your website and content. Ensure your website and blog are designed to support RTL languages, including the alignment of text, menus, and navigation. Localized Content: Tailor your content to address the specific interests, preferences, and needs of your target Arabic-speaking audience. This includes topics, references, and examples that resonate with the local culture and context. Translations and Localization: If translating content from another language to Arabic, work with professional translators who are native Arabic speakers to ensure accurate translations that capture the intended meaning and tone. User Experience: Pay attention to the user experience of your Arabic-speaking audience. Ensure that your website is localized, easy to navigate, and designed to meet their expectations. Consider factors like font styles, color choices, and imagery that align with Arabic design preferences. Localized SEO Practices: Familiarize yourself with country-specific search engines, directories, and social media platforms that are commonly used in the target Arab countries. Optimize your website and content accordingly to increase visibility in local search results. By taking into account these cultural and linguistic factors, you can effectively optimize your Arabic SEO efforts, connect with your target audience, and create a positive user experience that resonates with the local culture and preferences.

Selena Rodgers

What are the unique challenges and considerations when it comes to implementing SEO for Arabic websites?

Natasha Hopkins

Are there any cultural or linguistic factors to keep in mind when conducting Arabic SEO?

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